Having a Growth Mindset Towards Your Relationship With Food

When it comes to our relationship with food a growth mindset allows us to see that perfection is an unattainable goal. We are not defined by how we feel today, and we are constantly evolving and learning from our experiences.

Practicing a growth mindset with food can look like this:

"I can learn and make adjustments in my life that will move me forward to having a more peaceful and balanced relationship with food."

"My eating doesn't have to be perfect. I am only human, and there is no such thing as being perfect."

It's about believing in our ability to learn and make changes that will lead to a healthier relationship with food. It's about accepting that our eating habits don't have to be flawless because, in reality, perfection is a myth.

So, challenge yourself to break some existing food rules that you may have placed on yourself. Start to trust yourself with being more in tune to what your body and mind really need, and be open to finding new ways to improve your overall well-being and relationship with food. After all, if we're not open to change, how will anything change?

One powerful way to cultivate a growth mindset is through practicing gratitude. Each day, find one thing that you're grateful for. It could be a small moment of joy, a kind gesture from a friend, or simply the opportunity to try again tomorrow.

By embracing a growth mindset with food, we can create a more positive and sustainable approach to eating and nourishing our bodies. Let's commit to this journey of self-discovery and improvement together.

How Does Food Make You Feel?

When was the last time you truly paused and asked yourself, "How does this meal or snack make me feel?" It's a simple question, yet one that can profoundly impact our relationship with food and our overall well-being.

Consider this: How does it make you feel in this moment while you're having it? How does it make you feel half an hour from now? How about two hours from now?

To truly tune into your senses, try to be present with the food in front of you. Notice its aroma, its texture, and its flavor. Pay attention to how each bite makes you feel. Are you enjoying it? Does it bring you satisfaction?

One practice I encourage you to try, especially with sweets or any highly palatable food you enjoy (perhaps a little too much), is to observe how the food tastes with each bite and the satisfaction you get from eating it. But don't stop there. Notice when that initial satisfaction begins to fade.

How often do you find yourself eating just for the sake of finishing what's in front of you? Would you be okay putting the food away once you no longer have that initial satisfaction and enjoyment?

Being mindful of how food makes you feel can help you develop a healthier relationship with eating. It can also help you become more aware of your body's cues and signals, leading to more balanced and intuitive eating habits.

So, the next time you sit down to eat, take a moment to ask yourself, "How does this food make me feel?" You might be surprised by what you discover.

Practice mindfulness, listen to your body, and nourish yourself with foods that truly make you feel good inside and out.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you often pause to think about how your food makes you feel?

Be well,

Olivia Oneid B.Kin

Co-Owner, Coach, Master Athletic Performance